The Southside Business Technology Center celebrated its 2nd successful year in operations at its Appreciation reception on May 16th, 2007 at Chatmoss Country Club in Martinsville, VA. The event was organized in recognition of those individuals, businesses and agencies that support the Southside Business Technology Center. More than 90 local and regional business clients, funders and partners participated at the event sponsored by the Lucy P. Sale Foundation.
All participants have supported the Southside Business Technology Center enabling the center to provide economic development benefits throughout the Southside region.
On May 17, 2005, SBTC hosted its grand opening event, with the support of a staff of one, two funding organizations, 7 board members, and 3 signed client projects.
On May 16, 2007 the SBTC has a staff of four, six funding entities, and nine regional board members. Over the course of the last 2 years, the SBTC has hired 24 student interns, delivered 45 projects and assisted 63 businesses throughout the Southside region. Based on the SBTC Client Impact Evaluation Survey conducted by an independent third party, the services provided by SBTC led to increased revenues for 82%, job creation for 80%, and cost savings for 64% of the center’s clients, and 73% of the client companies reported that they became more competitive in their respective markets as measured by increased sales and market shares. Without the support of SBTC clients, funding entities, partners & affiliates the center would not have been able to fulfill its mission to provide strategic planning and business development services to existing and emerging businesses in order to promote economic development in Southside Virginia.
The Harvest Foundation and the Lucy P. Sale Foundation have been great supporters of the SBTC from the beginning. SBTC thanks the funders for believing in the organization. The Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission followed in July 2006 with a Special Projects grant approval. At the present, in addition to the original funders, the SBTC has the support of the Governor and the Commonwealth of Virginia, Henry County, & the city of Danville. These funds will give SBTC the ability to increase its capacity, serve more businesses, and further propel the organization’s mission.
SBTC truly appreciates its business clients and thanks for their confidence and support.
SBTC acknowledges and thanks its affiliates and partnering organizations. The center is supported by Southside Virginia banks and financial institutions that are often sources of client referrals. The organization cooperates with Southside colleges and universities in offering project internships to qualified students. The SBTC works closely with Southside Virginia Economic Development organizations and Industrial Authorities, as well as Southside Chambers of Commerce. Prior to SBTC’s 501 (c) (3) status, the Martinsville-Henry County Chamber of Commerce served as the center’s fiscal agent and the Chamber’s Partnership for Economic Growth served as its funding channel. Virginia’s Philpott Manufacturing Extension Partnership has been a close partner since the organization’s inception, as has the Institute for Advanced Learning & Research offered its support and partnership very early in the process, even prior to the center receiving funding and forming its structure.
The support of Virginia Tech has been unending. The concept of the SBTC was initially modeled after the highly successful Business Technology Center located at the Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center in Blacksburg. The SBTC has tremendous support from Dr. Richard Sorensen, Dean of the VT Pamplin College of Business, Dr. Ted Settle, Director of Virginia Tech Office of Economic Development Outreach – SBTC Board member, Dick Daugherty, Director of the VT Business Technology Center – SBTC Board member and Dr. John Dooley, Vice-Provost.
SBTC honors those individuals, client businesses and agencies that support the Southside Business Technology Center.