Gary Evans
Gary Evans
Board ChairCEO of Axcel Innovation
Gary Evans career spans four decades and has included roles in a wide range of both public and private sector organizations and academic institutions. With a background in chemistry, physics, and software development he has led the commercialization of new technologies and has also served in economic development roles focused on knowledge-based industries and has been involved in the creation of more than 20 companies.
His career has spanned roles– a consulting and program managenea serial entrepreneur and has been . He has been involved in founding more than 15 companies and has created and run investment funds in a variety of forms in both the public and private sectors. He also serves as a mentor for several accelerators, and as an advisor to a number of early-stage companies. He consults and manages programs focused on innovation and entrepreneurship on behalf of clients spanning Europe, the US, the GCC countries of the Middle East, and Africa. He has worked with many public sector organizations to help develop and implement strategies for innovation and entrepreneurship, and has been responsible for creating and managing a number of incubation programs, research parks, and associated initiatives. His technical expertise spans physics, chemistry, and biosciences and he has undertaken work with companies in a range of industries from oil and gas to medical devices. He has also held academic research and teaching positions including being a visiting professor in graduate business schools in the US ad Europe.